Sunday, 24 August 2014

My week in smiles #4

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I was unsure whether to post about smiles this week as sadly my Grandma past away. It somewhat seems wrong to post about having a happy week when in reality it has been filled with many tears. But, Grandma was very unwell.. and she is at rest now. I know she would want us to all be positive and strong, while smiling at the good times. So this week my weekly smiles is going to be a little different, it isn't necessarily going to be from the last week. I have instead decided to write about 10 family times and smiles spent with my family as well as remembering my Grandma. I hope everyone has had a great week and bank holiday weekend and that you enjoy this post even though it is not the norm. Bring on next week, may it create many happy memories!

1. Ice cream cake for my birthday in Australia. I always remember this cake being the best birthday cake I had ever had. 
2. My Grandma was GLAMOROUS! She loved her makeup, getting her hair done and a pamper. I always remember her dyeing her hair.
3. Making french toast together.
4. Christmas, spending Christmas many years ago in Australia. I remember getting a baby Annabel! That's how young I was. Anyone else have a baby Annabel when they were younger?
5. Bingo! Grandma loved bingo.. but who doesn't! 
6. Skyping Grandma and Mum when I was in University. I hadn't seen her since I was very young, so when mum went to visit her in Australia we Skyped, it was a conversation filled with many happy tears. 
7. The Big Bang Theory. This is more a memory from my mum, I remember mum saying Grandma loves watching The Big Bang Theory, whenever it is on it now makes me smile.
8. Spending precious time together. Every moment no matter how small I am grateful for.
9. Even though my family are spread all over the world, we always pull together and support each other. There is no love like the love of family. 
10. Memories. Grandma may now be in the heavens but she will always be in our hearts, her memories will never leave us.

Sorry if this post was too personal and not what you were hoping to read this Sunday. I know it doesn't really give you much insight into my week and what I have been loving, but it didn't feel right posting anything smiley other than happy times spent with my family and Grandma.

To keep you enticed until next weeks smiles I will however still share my favourites in song, movie and blog, so check them out if you haven't already!

Song of the week: MNEK - Wrote A Song About You Last Night. Such a great track, I am obsessed!
Movie of the week: Warm Bodies. I have been loving Amazon Prime to catch up on films I wanted to watch but never ended up getting around to watching. I did have Netflix, but they got a bit slow on updating there contents, anyone else feel like they watched everything on there? I bid farewell to my Netflix membership a few weeks a go and have now jumped on the Prime bandwagon.
Blogger of the week: The Londoner. I am sure everyone knows Rosie over on The Londoner, she is my all time favourite blogger, I religiously refresh her blog waiting for a new blog post. This week she has been keeping us all updated regularly on her Parisian adventures.. so grab a cup of tea and head on over, you will spend hours perusing her blog if you haven't already!

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