Sunday, 17 August 2014

My week in smiles #3

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The weeks are passing so fast, right? I can't believe this is the third weekly smiles post… spoiler alert: this week might of been the best so far. Although I have said a sad farewell to working in studio with the interior company I had been interning with, I have amazingly been offered the opportunity to work from a distance for the company while I continue the rest of my placements and studies. Tomorrow I will be starting my next internship working for a high-end fashion design company. I am not going to lie, I am fairly terrified. I know fashion can be quite demanding especially as we will be working in the run up to London Fashion Week. I am preparing myself for many sleepless nights, aching feet, finger blisters and eye bags so heavy it will be like lifting weights at the gym. But hey, its going to be a whirlwind experience. Anyway, here's a little list to peruse of the things that have made this week a truly lovely one and I hope you all had a delightful week too!

1. Spotting men with beards. A man with a beard and tattoos is becoming my guilty pleasure. Dreamy.
2. Victoria Sponge Cake with the Sian Zeng team. Another week, another fear food tackled. Victoria Sponge is so simple & traditional but one of my favourite cakes.
3. Stevia. I have recently developed a coffee sweet tooth, Stevia makes this craving slightly more innocent.
4. The Girl with All the Gifts. Finished listening to my first audio book on audible! I enjoyed it but would still rather a good ol' fashioned paper book.
5. Snuggling up in my duvet. I love summer, but appreciating the cooler nights this week.
6. The advice and wisdom from friends and family. I am truly grateful to be surrounded by such wonderful and caring people.
7. Health progress. I had a successful appointment at the doctors this week, to get my mind & body healthy. I have also upped my food content and although it's not as big of an increase as it should be, I can feel myself getting stronger and improvements with my energy levels already.
8. Having the most beautiful Lillies delivered to my flat. You know you have the most amazing best friend when she sends you flowers for no occasion other then to make you smile.
9. Continuing my work with the Sian Zeng team. Even though I will not be in studio, I am glad I get to remain apart of this little design family.
10. Blog reading. Spending my weekend armed with a cuppa and a good blog.

Song of the week: Jamie T - Zombie. Ooooooh yes Jamie T is back! About time as well if you ask me. Loving this track, can't wait for the album to be released.
Movie of the week: After the heartbreaking news, a Robin Williams film had to be my movie of the week. After appearing in so many amazing films I found it hard to pick, so I decided on two of my all time childhood favourites, Jumanji and Flubber! 
Blogger of the week: Catherine Sprunt aka Sprunting. This girl is also a Sian Zeng employee from a distance, so I am yet to meet her. However, I came across her blog through work and have been enjoying reading it, she blogs all things food, interiors, travel and life!

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